

Radical Aliveness & Core Energetics

Wanting to take a deeper dive?

This is an opportunity to explore more about yourself in a guided group setting.

Get to know where you may be held back in your life and how to move forward. Experience other people’s journey while learning more about your own, in a safe space with a non-shaming heart.

We will practice the Radical Aliveness Principles, the pillars supporting our workshop’s group process.

We recognize the complexity in all things. As leaders, we adhere to the non-expert model and use self as instrument to support all of our healing work.

  • Being Open to Multiple Perspectives
  • Knowing I Don’t Know
  • Being Willing to be Changed
  • Saying “Yes” to Everything
  • A Non-Shaming Heart
  • Do no harm
  • Do your part

Core Energetics works with our bodies to identify, reveal  and break through  the hidden, blocked energy that prohibits us from feeling our own full vitality. People who have experienced Core Energetics report being able to finally make a deeper commitment to their lives, a freedom in their creativity and sexuality and fuller and more satisfying relationships.

In these workshops offered here both Radical aliveness and Core Energetics Practices inform the group process, it is a blend that I think is the very best combination to support growth and connection individually, transpersonally and systemically. Let’s make this world a wonderful place to be and it starts with all of us!

These workshops will be hosted online or in-person. They range from three hours to full day or weekend workshops.

Want more information on Core Energetics & Radical Aliveness? Check out this video and more info on our FAQ page.

What is Radical Aliveness?

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Here's what you can do to prep for the next Workshop:

Set an intention for what you’d like to bring to and receive from the workshop experience.

Challenges from your life, challenges in your life, places where you feel stuck, places where you’d like to grow. Bring your whole self: strengths, vulnerabilities, and curiosity.



A Willingness to Open Your Heart to Yourself and Others

Witnessing and being witnessed is a powerful part of the group process, leading to greater awareness of our shared humanity.

Encouraging you to bring your own mind-body wisdom and awareness to the group experience.

Honoring one’s own empathy, empowerment, and compassion for self and the group. Standing in with respect for what you bring to the process and to follow your knowing = leadership!



An Openness to the Group Consciousness and its ability to hold all that is present

While not a guarantee, the group may help you understand more deeply the choices you may have for more growth and transformation. We get to experience ourselves and others with curiosity and empathy.

The why of workshops

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At the workshop I really enjoyed Ami’s presence and way of holding space and leading. Experiencing her in this role, in this context. It was very clear, very grounded, very confident, very vital, very warm:))

ET ~ Hungary


At the "Connection" workshop, Ami supported me with my fear of being rejected and a few other things. This workshop was truly healing for me and it gave me the confidence and ability to be more real, take risks, put myself out there, and try new things. Embodying connection allowed me to feel more comfortable taking risks and the fear I had was still present, but no longer paralyzing. This workshop also showed me how I can be respected as I am and for who I am, rather than being forced to act or react in a certain way.

NR, New Zealand


At the Embracing your Essence Workshop, there was space to feel and breathe. All of the space was necessary to acknowledge my own and other's feelings and ideas. I am inspired and motivated to let my essence emerge. This was needed and informative. I felt the impact I have on others with being truthful and honest with myself and others.

LJ, South Chicago


One great benefit in the Radical Aliveness workshops is the ability to work with all the energy in the room and to learn how my interactions with fellow participants illustrate
truths about myself…when I’m willing to see. We become mirrors for each other. I’ve learned that my own projections may often block clear understanding of others and that I can only be sure that I don’t ever know the whole story. This work has led me to take ownership for my decisions, assumptions and responses, making for real and honest communication and interactions.

MW ~ Evanston


Thank you for the workshop, it was very freeing for me and I felt very comfortable to share and be vulnerable. There’s so much more that I want to learn about my body and how it all connects. I look forward to working with Ami and attending more events. So much more I want to add!!

NA, Chicago


"I have been on a profound journey of healing and transformation & Ami has been my guide...She has lovingly guided me into the depths of my heartache, my anger, my resistance and in feeling all of the emotions and experiences that I spent much of my life avoiding. Ami has been there to support me in moving through old emotions and in cutting through the vines of my childhood trauma in service of freeing myself from old patterns and beliefs and as a result becoming more whole and having MORE joy, MORE peace and MORE love in my life. "

NS, Colorado

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Previous Workshops


Current Offerings

Radically Alive Travelers ~ Connect💫

As I reflect on my experience in Kenya last month, I am still surprised at the impact it is continuing to have in my life on a daily basis. I was there to learn more about the view from my lens, my and others socialization and of course the assumptions I bring with me everywhere I go -Everywhere, all the time! I -we are traveler’s where ever we go.What did I learn? How do I appreciate my life and those of others that are different than I am. Do I stay curious and awake around my judgements, assumptions and biases? Yes, and no, but I can’t go back to sleep quite the way I could before this trip. I can’t unlearn what I felt, saw, participated in and witnessed with my fellow travelers.
How are we socialized? All the ways that humans are shaped by family of origin, environment, area they grew up in, education, religion, gender, ethnicity, country, class and more.
Identifying the way all those dynamics have shaped us, contributed to the way we think, feel and make meaning of the world- the values we learned.
When I lean into all of this as it applies to every single human being, my heart opens wide, there is so much more room for understanding, acceptance and compassion.

How has traveling impacted your life?
Would you like to connect with others and share your experiences?

Read more about my Offerings
