Experiencing our Aliveness together

Welcome, I’m so happy you found my site!

I want to invite you to feel your aliveness, live life more fully, and make lasting change where you desire it most and to see your own purpose in a new and more choice-driven light. My deepest desire is to help you break through any fear and resistance you may have to attain a richer, more abundant life. With intention, I hope to create a safe and trusting place where you can experience your real feelings, liberating you from patterns created in the past.

I’ll bring my spirit, enthusiasm, passion and wisdom to every session, every class, and every workshop. Each one of these opportunities is informed by my experience of what has worked for me and what I’ve seen work for others. I’d love to share them with YOU!

My journey as a Somatic Practitioner, Certified in Core Energetics and Radical Aliveness practices as well as a Movement Mentor, has taken me to the heights and the depths of my own personal process. I’d like to share some of what I’ve learned with you!

  • Strengthen the connection between your mind, body and spirit
  • Unblock held energy in your body
  • Transform behavior patterns that may be holding you back.
  • to learn more about yourself
  • to be more comfortable in your body and know its wisdom
  • to allow your true self to shine
  • to connect with the spiritual energy that flows into and through you
  • to accept yourself and others with more compassion
  • to celebrate your courage to change

Your curiosity and inner wisdom landed you right here. You’ve found me at the right time, even if you’re not sure exactly why.

The time for change is right now.

Let’s see how I can support you, to do and become what you dream of being!

Set up a complementary discovery session on Zoom or FT to get this party started.

Upcoming Workshops

Radically Alive Travelers ~ Connect💫

As I reflect on my experience in Kenya last month, I am still surprised at the impact it is continuing to have in my life on a daily basis. I was there to learn more about the view from my lens, my and others socialization and of course the assumptions I bring with me everywhere I go -Everywhere, all the time! I -we are traveler’s where ever we go.What did I learn? How do I appreciate my life and those of others that are different than I am. Do I stay curious and awake around my judgements, assumptions and biases? Yes, and no, but I can’t go back to sleep quite the way I could before this trip. I can’t unlearn what I felt, saw, participated in and witnessed with my fellow travelers.
How are we socialized? All the ways that humans are shaped by family of origin, environment, area they grew up in, education, religion, gender, ethnicity, country, class and more.
Identifying the way all those dynamics have shaped us, contributed to the way we think, feel and make meaning of the world- the values we learned.
When I lean into all of this as it applies to every single human being, my heart opens wide, there is so much more room for understanding, acceptance and compassion.

How has traveling impacted your life?
Would you like to connect with others and share your experiences?

Read more about my Offerings


Reflections from
Real People

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My work with Ami at Alive With Ami has changed my life. It’s positively affected my ability to move through the world with greater ease and to be fundamentally more present in my body. What a pleasure to feel more self-assured and grounded!

BW - Evanston


You are an Eccentric Wizardress and healer of the mind, body and soul! I have learned so much from you and your teachings. I am a grateful student of yours and look forward to a beautiful journey together! Here's to life.

~ LJ, South Chicago


Ami has helped me and my husband create a solid and healthy relationship. We have been working with her since we first started dating and we believe that her support and guidance has enabled us to create the kind of loving and deeply fulfilling relationship that most people long for. Ami is wise beyond her years, sharp as a tack and fiercely loving which has been perfect for our transformation and growth.

NS ~ Colorado


Thank you Ami Isett, for the tender heart-full space and profound exploration. It feels exciting and full of feeling to keep learning and exploring in connection. Lots of gratitude to the group, honored to meet you. Thank you for your warmth and depth of research... Very exciting and fulfilling to be here!

YA – Moscow


Thanks to everyone for making our time this past weekend at the workshop an invaluable learning experience. I thought of a great metaphor...coming to a Radical Aliveness workshop is like going to the races and placing a bet on YOURSELF!

MW - Evanston

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Current Offerings

Feeling Stuck?

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What is Somatic Release?

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Keeping the Beat

Calming Connections

Calming Connections

  Calming Connections Movement, Mindfulness and Meditation to help relieve stress and…

Somatic Salsa

Somatic Salsa

Somatic Salsa                    …

Stress Busters!

Stress Busters!

Stress Busters! “My stress level went down from a 7 to a…



~ Musings ~ What really matters to you? What really does matter…